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The Talent Search Program Helps SMSB Reach 500 Students


The Talent Search Program is a government-funded initiative that provides participants with necessary postsecondary information to make informed decisions regarding their future. Administered by Sound Mind Sound Body (SMSB), the program is created to assist and sustain students who face disadvantaged barriers but possess the potential to succeed in postsecondary endeavors. Five hundred participants are serviced yearly in Denby, East English, King, and Harper Woods schools.

Sound Mind Sound Body has been a resource for college exposure, academic support, and college transition throughout the summer. Six graduating seniors received Macbooks from SMSB in preparation for their first year of college. On top of regular academic check-ins and event support, Talent Search student-athletes received travel uniforms and 7v7 gear from Battle Sports during the Annual Sound Mind Sound Body High School 7v7 held at Wayne State University. 

Now that Fall classes have resumed, Sound Mind Sound Body is getting familiar with new students and their goals. Program Director Kyle Brunson shared, “We are assessing returning and newly enrolled students. Our main focus for the last two weeks has been reviewing academic standings, creating individual academic success plans, covering postsecondary preparation, and providing meals to students.” With the purchase of 500 notebooks, Sound Mind Sound Body has provided students with school supplies to go along with their journey to success.

The following core objectives of the Talent Search Program:

  1. Early Assistance: Selected students of disadvantaged backgrounds can access personalized assistance early. 
  2. Academic Support: Program participants receive coaching, tutoring, and scholarly counseling to assist with educational success, exploration of schooling, and application processes. 
  3. College Advising and Career Exploration: Talent Search explores different postsecondary choice scholarships and gives direction on choosing the best and professional pathways.
  4. Financial Aid Assistance: Program participants and their families are assisted with understanding available financial aid options. 

The Talent Search Program serves as an extraordinary resource for students. Its existence improves graduation rates, college enrollment, academic performance, society development, workforce knowledge, and informed decision-making. By placing resources within the reach of youth, students can reach their full potential regardless of disadvantaged backgrounds. Sound Mind Sound Body is proud to assist in closing the disparities gap and infusing students with the necessary information to thrive for years to come.

Academic, Career, and Financial Counseling

We aim to increase the number of youth from disadvantaged backgrounds who complete high school and enroll in and complete their postsecondary education.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Jalisa Bannerman


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