We are delighted to announce our Volunteer of the Month for October, Raigan Smith!
Raigan has been a game-changer for the Eastside Raiders since deciding to volunteer two years ago. As a junior coach, Raigan returned to give back to the very organization whose mentorship impacted her after cheering for three years. As a junior student at Renaissance High School, Raigan enjoys dedicating her time to coaching the young ladies of the Eastside Raiders, a commendable sacrifice of time.
Tylene Blue of the Eastside Raiders nominated the standout junior coach for Volunteer of the Month. Her steadfast dedication, positive perspective, and desire to impact the younger generation have influenced the Eastside Raiders’ cheerleaders and their families.
“I came back to help coach because my coaches were inspiring to me, and they set a good example for me, so I want to start with the younger girls to set a good example for them and be what they need.”
“I learn from the adults and the kids. I learned that sometimes you have to take it slow, and the little girls teach you many things. It may not seem like it at first, but they teach a lot about how to take in what’s going on around me.”
“The adults are always going to be role models for me, and it teaches me how to correct myself for the younger girls because if I’m watching the older people, I know that the younger girls are watching me.”
While many volunteers juggle work, parenting, and volunteering, Raigain juggles AP classes, after-school studies, being a part of the med club, and volunteering.
“High school is going really well so far. I’m enjoying all of my classes. I’m taking AP courses. I love going to the gym three times a week; every other Thursday, I go to the med club, and every Tuesday, I stay after school for AP Chemistry.”
Raigin plans to coach until her first year of college, “I want to go to U of M in Ann Arbor specifically because they have a great pre-med program, and I want to be a surgeon.”
“If I keep myself busy now, it’ll teach me how to be focused so that when I become a surgeon, it’ll teach me how to stay focused. I will already have the skill.”
We want to thank Raigin Smith for her huge sacrifice and dedication while maintaining outstanding grades in High School. Her desire to leave an unforgettable impression on her team while being open to learning from other coaching staff is applaudable!
About Sound Mind Sound Body Youth Association:
Sound Mind Sound Body (SMSB) is a proven platform that ensures students matriculate to post-secondary education by successfully prioritizing and balancing a unique curriculum that combines life skills, athleticism, and academics. STUDENT + ATHLETE + SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY + SOUND DECISION MAKING = SUCCESS.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Jalisa Bannerman