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From Gibraltar To The East Side Of Detroit, ‘I Have A Goal’

By Perry A. Farrell
SMSB Editor-in-Chief

The trek from Gibraltar to the Sound Mind Sound Body campus on Detroit’s east side hasn’t been an issue for Cody Britt.

“My mom (Kim) and I were looking for a place for me to go to train,” he said. “We had heard about Sound Mind Sound Body, so we decided to give it a try. I think it has helped me because athletically I see where I stand in the state against other top players. I can see where I stack up. The trip isn’t that bad.”

Former teammate Ian Stewart is an SMSB alumni graduate that earned a scholarship to Michigan State University.

Britt, a junior linebacker, running back and slot receiver is in his third year in the program.

“My favorite position is linebacker because I get to hit people,” said Britt. “On offense they move me around a lot. The first three games I played more at slot, but the last game I spent more time at running back.”

While Carlson waited to see if they’d have a football season, Britt was able to work out at a couple of spots, including SMSB.

“I went to Sound Mind Sound Body and worked out,” said Britt. “I did Yoga, and I went to Level Up training in Monroe, which helped me stay in shape.” It was on Britt to stay in shape during the hiatus, especially with the goal of a big junior season.

“I figured we’d eventually have football in the fall, I just didn’t know when,” said Britt. “Once we got the news that we were playing in the fall that made it better.

“We had been working out as a team until we were told we couldn’t. I tried to stay in shape and be ready.”

Carlson students meet in class on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday the school goes through a total cleaning because of COVID-19 and classes are virtual.

“We have to wear masks the whole time until we go to lunch. We always sit a few feet apart from each other and we have these dividers that keep us separate from each other for protection.

On the field Carlson has been cleaning up with a 3-1 record. “The first two games I only played the first half because the competition wasn’t that good,” said Britt. “I’ve done my best. I like going downhill making plays. Our talent is getting better.”

Britt has grown to 5-foot-11 1/2 and 208 pounds.

Cerebral on and off the field, Britt is taking pre-calculus and has aspirations of an engineering major in college. “I’ve always loved math,” he said. “Math, to me, has always been the easiest for me to understand. I also want to build things.  I think it would be a good paying job that I could support a family with.”

Yale and Cincinnati have been in contact, but with his success in the classroom and his growing reputation on the field offers are expected to come in.

If you or someone you know is interested in the Sound Mind Sound Body program, please click here to complete an application.
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